Follicular atresia is an important physiological process. 卵泡闭锁是雌性动物重要的生理过程。
Physiological Process of Ascorbate Oxidation and Regeneration in Fruit of Rosa Roxburghii Tratt 刺梨果实中AsA氧化分解和再生过程的生理基础
Effect of Low Temperature Stress on Physiological Process of Kentucky Bluegrass 低温胁迫对草地早熟禾抗性生理生化指标的影响
In addition, under the same water stress, physiological process of P.communis was more acute than that of T.spp and was more sensitive to change of groundwater depths. 在相同水分胁迫下,芦苇的生理过程比柽柳强烈,对地下水埋深变化更为敏感。
They mediate virtually every important physiological process, from immune system function to taste and smell to the fight-or-flight response in humans. 他们几乎在每个重要的生理过程中起到调节作用,从免疫机能、味觉、气味到人类的本能反应。
Digestion is a physiological process. 消化是一种生理上的过程。
Hearing ( or audition or sound reception): Physiological process of perceiving sound. 听觉:感受声音的生理作用。
Research, replacement and adjustment to dissection or physiological process; 对解剖或者生理过程的研究、替代、调节;
At present, the numerical model of bone remodeling is inadequate to copy the physiological process of bone remodeling. 目前,骨再造数值模型在生理上和力学上都不能复制骨再造的实际生理过程。
The influence of nitrogen-dressing amount on physiological process of upper-leaf was complicated. 追氮量对上部叶生理过程的影响较复杂。
Research of a Dynamical Model for a Physiological Process 一个生理自调节过程的动力学模型研究
The paper deals with the response of growth, biochemical and physiological process of Pinus massoniana seedling to aluminum under cultural solution. 本文系统地报道了铝对马尾松幼苗的生长和生理生化过程影响。
Fruit ripening is a complicated biochemical and physiological process and ethylene is a major factor regulating the ripening process. 果实成熟是一个复杂的生理生化过程,而乙烯是引发果实成熟的主要因素。
Molecular recognition leads the selective interaction between biomoleculars in all physiological process. 分子识别引导着所有生理过程中大分子间的选择性相互作用。
A simple conception model of the interactions between the vegetation physiological process and the climate is also concluded. 文中还归纳出了植被生理与气候相互作用的简单概念模型。
Effect of TDZ on Senescence and Some Physiological Process of Detached Leaves in Barley TDZ对大麦离体叶片衰老及其某些生理过程的影响
It was clear that phenylpropionic acid and salicylic acid inhibited plant growth through disturbing membrane and related physiological process. 化感物质苯甲酸、苯丙酸和水杨酸通过干扰植物细胞膜及相关生理过程影响了葡萄的生长。
Mental fatigue is a psychological and physiological process. 脑力疲劳本身就是一个复杂的心理、心理过程,通过心理学和生理学等多方面指标来综合评定脑力疲劳,能够解决目前各种方法单独使用所存在的诸多不足。
This research provided the further experimental evidence that this gene participated in this physiological process, and analyzed the mechanism of this gene. 本研究进一步提供了该基因参与这一生理过程的实验证据并深入分析了该基因作用的分子机制。
Recently large numbers of studies suggest, Apoptosis is a physiological process, and it can be activated by signals in vivo and in vitro. 近年来的大量研究表明,凋亡在大多数细胞中是一个生理上的程序,能被许多外部和内部的信号所触发。
Insect development is a complicated physiological process regulated by hormones, including molting and metamorphosis. 昆虫的发育是由激素调控的复杂的生命过程,包括昆虫的蜕皮与变态。
Transpiration, the crux for the bio-activity of plants, is essential for the physiological process of plants. 蒸腾作用是植物生命活动的关键点,在植物生理活动过程中具有重要的意义。
Insect molting is a complicated physiological process, many enzymes, hormones and receptors involve in this process. 昆虫蜕皮是一个复杂的生理过程,在这个过程中有多种酶、激素和受体分子参与其中。
The development of the potato tuber is a highly coordinated, morphological and physiological process which is happened in underground stolon. It is related to the expression of series genes and regulated collectively by the internal factors and the external environment factors. 马铃薯块茎发育是一个发生在地下匍匐茎上的高度协调的形态和生理过程,涉及到一系列基因的表达与关闭,受到内部因子及外界环境因素的共同调控。
Apoptosis is an indispensably physiological process in life and a complex process which is regulated by a series genes. 细胞凋亡是生物生命活动过程中不可缺少的生理过程。细胞凋亡是一个复杂的过程,受一系列基因的精确调控。
The structure of seed coat and endosperm make the seed water absorption slowly. Seeds go into dormant after a physiological process which takes place after seed maturity. Inhibit germination material are contained in the seed, which affect the seeds germination. 种皮和胚乳的结构使种子吸水缓慢;种子成熟后,又经过了一个生理休眠过程,使种子进入休眠状态;种子中含有萌发抑制物质影响了种子的萌发。
Follicular atresia, which is a normal physiological process, is the end of the fate for most follicles. 卵泡发育的各个阶段均可能发生闭锁,这是一个正常的生理过程,但却是绝大部分卵泡命运的终点。
Functional biomaterials are bioactive materials which could affect biochemical and/ or physiological process to promote tissue regenerations. 功能生物材料是指能主动对机体的理化或生理过程产生影响而实现组织再生的生物活性材料。